Vet-Design offers innovative and ergonomic products for the dental care of horses
Insert Spécial Canine EASY
Inserts Disque EASY
Inserts Boule Petit Diamètre EASY
Insert Boule Diamètre 20 / 23 EASY
Fraise Alvéolaire
Ball Burr, with Guard, stainless steel handle, Ø23 Grit 852
Fraise Boule, avec protection
Fraise Boule, sans protection
Ball Burr Without Guard
Interchangeable Incisor Disc, Grit 600
Long Diastema Burr
Short Diastema Burr
Tooth Sockets Burr
Incisor burr, stainless steel handle
Incisor Burr, With Guard, Stainless Steel Body
Diamond Canine Burr Ø16
Incisor Burr, Without Guard
Incisor Burr, Without Guard, Stainless Steel Body
Conical Burr Length 16 Ø5
Diastema Burr Length 36 Ø4 Protected