Vet-Design offers innovative and ergonomic products for the dental care of horses
Moyenne Fraise Droite IC300
Vet Disc Moyenne Droite
Vet Disc Standard Droite
Large curved VET DISC, Pom handle, Grit 852
Large straight VET SWITCH (without coil), Pom handle
Large Curved Vet Switch, POM Handle (without spool)
Vet Switch Standard droite (sans bobine)
Vet Switch Standard Courbe (sans bobine)
Medium VET SWITCH (without coil) Vet-Design
Vet Disc Short
Vet Switch Short
Incisor burr, stainless steel handle
Incisor Burr, Without Guard
Incisor Bur without Guard with Extra Thin Disc
Ball Burr Without Guard
Poignée Fraise Easy, Corps Inox
Inserts Disque EASY
Ball Burr, with Guard, stainless steel handle, Ø23 Grit 852
Tooth Sockets Burr
Bit-Seat Burr, Stainless Steel Body, Grit 852
Special canine burr
Descaling Finishing Burr
Special Curved Pony Burr