Vet-Design offers innovative and ergonomic products for the dental care of horses
SUPERIOR Motorized SET with VET DISC + VET SWITCH + 1 Ball burr + 2 drive cables
SUPERIOR power tool SET with VET DISC+VET SWITCH +burr +1 drive cable
SUPERIOR power tool SET with VET DISC + VET SWITCH + ball burr + 2 drive cables
SUPERIOR power tool SET with VET DISC+VET SWITCH +2 drive cables
SUPERIOR power tool SET with VET DISC+VET SWITCH + 1 drive cable
BASIC power tool SET with VET DISC & 1 drive cable
BASIC power tool SET with VET DISC & 2 drive cables
SUPERIOR power tool SET with VET DISC + VET SWITCH + burr + 2 drive cables
SUPERIOR Motorized SET with VET DISC+VET SWITCH + Ball Burr +1 drive cable
SUPERIOR power tool SET with VET DISC + VET SWITCH + 2 drive cables
SUPERIOR power tool SET with VET DISC + VET SWITCH + 1 drive cable